– Jan Erik Bjerkholt
Telefon: 66810645 / 47416610 jeb@nettec.no
Nettec has based all our mobile data solutions on routers from Digi International (www.digi.com). The reason being they are advanced enough to solve the tasks thrown at them and robust enough to handle the environment in which they operate. Even the most demaning customer can accept the solutions.
Quite often the installation is located at sites where humans have difficult access for any maitenance or support. Hence the products must be durable and self healing should any problems arise. Therefor it is critical that the equipment is of high quality as well as the configuration is done correctly. This way we get fewer “man in the wan” to keep a network going for years.
If you experience instability and downtime with your Digi Mobile Routers please let us know as something must we wrong and we should be able to fix it!
Our solutions is supported by any mobile operator including LTE450 (ICE in Norway, Net1 in Sweden). There are hardly any places we can’t connect!